Entries by ccadmin

Information on Rot/Dryrot Repair in Seattle Washington

There is nothing more devastating to a person than to learn that they have dry rot in their home or business. Common in Seattle, Washington, this condition ordinarily applies to older buildings and is a wood decay. This is caused by fungi that eat and digest wood. As a rule, these fungi require moisture, but […]

Benefits of Handyman Services in Seattle Wa

Just like all things in life, homes, business facilities, storage sheds, and every other structure slowly deteriorates, eventually falling down to the ground. Property owners can make structures stand longer and stronger – well, and loads more visually appealing, too – with a little elbow grease, expertise, building materials, and power tools. While homeowners seem to think […]

What You Need To Know About Water Damage Repair In Seattle

Offering Water Damage Services Your Neighbor Services in Seattle offers a variety of services, including repairing the water damage in commercial or residential properties in Seattle. Water damage can happen in a building at any time because of a water pipe breaks or roof leaks. Additional reasons for water damage are natural floods from rivers, […]

Russia Considers Handing Over Snowden as a “gift” to President Trump

U.S. intelligence agencies have obtained information that reveals Russia may consider giving up Edward Snowden as a “gift” to President Donald Trump who has previously titled the former-NSA employee a “spy” and a “traitor” who should be executed. A senior U.S. official reported the information; they also reviewed multiple waves of highly sensitive intelligent reports which […]

Trump Calls New York Times Fake News, Again.

This early morning, President Donald Trump tweeted at New York Times stating that they are “fake news.” The tweet reads, “after being forced to apologize for its bad and inaccurate coverage of me after winning the election, the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!” It’s uncertain what motivated the Trump’s statements, but we think it […]

Learn How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

I’ve Just Been Involved In A Vancouver Car Accident, What Now? Washington State, like all other American states, experience the devastating effects of car accidents. In fact, car accidents continue to be the deadliest accident of them all, car accidents cause the most deaths and severe injury annually than any other accident type. In 2005 […]

How New Tiny Homes Are Affecting Communities and Environment

Today, more and more people are choosing to live in green homes as they become aware of their environmental footprint. Green homes are houses that are both sustainable and environmentally friendly. People can be very efficient in their use of resources while still living comfortably and affordably. Green home building companies have massively supported this […]

Three Solid Reasons to Start Social Security at Age 65

The earliest a person can begin drawing Social Security is at the age of 62. A person will face a deduction in benefits when he or she takes Social Security at that earlier point in time. The age at which Americans can draw full Social Security benefits is 66 or 67 depending on when an […]

Information on Personal Injury Laws in Calfornia

If you have been involved in an accident and sustained injuries, you should make a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. The laws on filing personal injury suits vary depending on the state you reside. The following are some of the fundamental laws on claims of personal injury in California. Requirements for Damages Under […]

Understanding DUI Laws in Virginia

The State of Virginia, along with city and county law enforcement, has a very aggressive attitude regarding the implementation of the DUI laws. In fact, Virginia has some of the nation’s harshest sentences for a DUI conviction. According to the Code of Virginia Section 18.2-266: It is illegal for you to operate any motor vehicle […]